1) Broccoli (fiber content – 2-3 grams per serving, high in vitamin C and potassium).
2) Beans/lentils (fiber content – around 5.8 gms per cooked cup, rich source of protein & fiber).
3) Brown Rice (highly nutritious whole grain with good amount of dietary fibers and vitamins B6, thiamine niacin etc.).
4) Oats/oatmeal (fiber content – 2.5 gms per cooked cup).
5) Apples & Pear(highly nutritious fruits with good amount of dietary fibers and vitamins A, C& K ).
6) Bran Flakes or Oats/oatmeal (fiber content – 2.4 gms per cooked cup).
7) Whole Wheat Bread(highly nutritious whole grain bread with good amount of dietary fibers and vitamins A, C& K ).